Ingulf Place Storm Water Bypass – City of San Diego
Abandonment and slurry fill of existing 36” CMP pipe. Build by pass with 36” RCP pipe that is realigned into street right of way and reconnected to existing 48” RCP. Build three 4’x5’x6’ storm cleanout boxes per City of San Diego standards. Trench 8’x14’x350’ for new 36” RCP pipe.
Coronado Hatch Replacements and Pump Station Improvements
Work located at three sewer pump stations (Transbay, Green Turtle, and Pine Street) and includes the replacement of access hatches, top slabs, chopper pumps, control panel, installation of 4” PVC schedule 80 suction and discharge piping, miscellaneous electrical and site work.
San Luis Rey WWTP Influent Channel Repair—City of Oceanside
The work consists of the repair of damaged concrete on Plant 1 primary clarifier influent channel, relining of the influent channel, installation of temporary piping to bypass the influent channel, installation of temporary pipe supports, repair and reconstruction of existing improvements affected by the work.
P2 N Scrubber Complex Bleach Tank Replacement—Orange County Sanitation District
Replace 8500 gallon bleach tank with 3700 gallon bleach tank. Install temporary tank bypass to keep system in operation. Repair concrete tank foundation. Apply special coatings, Sancon 100. Replace 4” CPVC discharge and supply piping, install 4” diaphragm valves, FRP pipe supports, instruments, electrical conduits.
Long Beach WRP Effluent Metering Weir Replacement
Remove existing effluent metering steel channel, 4ft x 5ft x 60ft, and install three new effluent metering weir plate, 6ft x 20ft x 1/2in and control panel to measure output flows for three chlorine contactor basins each having a capacity of 24mgd. Cut a 6ft x 2ft notch in weir wall. Repair damaged concrete in each basin, 20ft wide by 20ft high. Remove and replace 4” PVC sodium bisulfate piping and supports. Install temporary by-pass for each tank for draining. Install electrical and instrumentation for a complete operating system to measure flow rate for tank discharge.
Wintersburg Channel Siphon Vent Replacement
Repair concrete pile cap due to heavy corrosion from damaged 16” Techite pipe. Build temporary platform to work from so as to not encroach into or touch the waterway. Install 140’ new 16” FRP pipe across water channel. Repair 18” water main with new section of pipe.
WBMWD Lime Silo Rehab Project
Paint exterior of lime silos, install new dust collector and lime feed equipment, remove existing equipment. Install new control panel and electrical systems. Extend platform out 12 feet. Provide training, start up and commissioning of equipment.